Delete doesn't means gone forever, Just because you
delete your data, that doesn't mean it's deleted from
your PC’s hard drive! When you hit the delete
button or even reformat your hard drive, the data
still resides on your PC. It's like removing the
labels from folders in a filing cabinet… the
folders still exist but are not prominently
displayed. As people continue to store more critical
data on their PCs than ever before, Data erasing are
very important to wipe off your data
with our deguassing machine and complete
destruction tools available, enables you to
quickly and permanently erase data and delete all of
the personal, confidential and critical data on your
hard drive – and has the capability to erase to
both U.S. Department of Defense and German
Military/Government standards. It permanently deletes
the information by actually overwriting all of the
data on your hard drive - never to be recovered - so
you can feel confident that sensitive information is
completely eliminated. certificate of destruction
will be issued accordingly.
If you have any requirements, contact us for more details